How Fluoride Helps To Prevent Tooth Decay - Meydenbauer Dental

How Fluoride Helps To Prevent Tooth Decay – Meydenbauer Dental

Tooth decay is a serious disease that causes damage to the teeth. The decay process can begin when foods or drinks containing certain sugars and starches cause bacteria in the mouth to produce acid, which eats away at the tooth’s surface. It’s important to know how fluoride helps prevent tooth decay so you can protect your oral health!

What is Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay is a disease that causes tooth enamel to break down. This can happen when bacteria that live in the plaque on your teeth produce acids that erode the minerals in your teeth. If left untreated, this will eventually lead to cavities (also known as caries).

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria that live on the surface of our teeth and produce acid, which breaks down the minerals in our enamel (the outer layer), causing it to become softer and more susceptible to further damage from acids produced by other oral bacteria.

Symptoms of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a condition that affects your teeth and gums. It affects the way your teeth look, feel, and function. Tooth decay can be caused by plaque build-up on the surfaces of your teeth. Plaque is a sticky substance formed when bacteria feed on food particles left on the surface of your teeth for too long; this bacterial activity can cause inflammation and irritation in both healthy and diseased areas of your mouth.

The symptoms of tooth decay include:

  • Toothache (painful sensation) while eating or drinking hot or cold food or drink;
  • Sensitivity to hot/cold foods/drinks (e.g., spicy foods);
  • Discolored enamel around the outer perimeter at either side towards the front part where there are no visible fillings present anymore due to erosion caused by acid erosion, which occurs after brushing with fluoridated toothpaste only every two weeks instead regular brushing twice per day like before being given fluoride treatment every month like adults who received it through public water systems were told they should do so regularly but didn’t because they felt like giving up something important such as having access

How Does Fluoride Prevent Tooth Decay?

Fluoride is a mineral found in water, salt, and other foods. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making the tooth enamel more resistant to acid attacks. It also helps remineralize the tooth structure, meaning fluoride can be found in water, salt, milk, and some fruits and vegetables.

How to Reduce the Risk of Tooth Decay

  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Floss daily.
  • Eat a healthy diet, avoiding sugary and starchy foods like French fries, potato chips, and cookies that can increase dental plaque.
  • Drink fluoridated water to help prevent tooth decay by reducing the number of bacteria in your mouth that cause tooth decay (also known as “germs”).

There Are Many Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Tooth Decay.

There are many ways to reduce the risk of tooth decay. Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent tooth decay. It’s present naturally in some foods and water but can also be added to toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental rinses. Some people prefer to get their fluoride from supplements rather than drinking or eating it from food sources because they want more assurance that they’re getting enough fluoride than what’s available alone.

Fluoride supplements typically contain:

  • 0.5 milligrams per day for children aged 6-12 years old.
  • 0.8 milligrams per day for children aged 1-5 years old.
  • One milligram per day for adults over 50 who have not yet reached their peak bone mass.
  • 2 mg/day if you have low kidney function (decreased creatinine clearance).
  • 3 mg/day if you have diabetes mellitus type I or II.


Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps to prevent tooth decay. We recommend that you brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste or drink fluoridated water, which can reduce the risk of developing tooth decay by up to 90%. If you have questions about reducing tooth decay risk, please call our office today!


1. How Does Fluoride Help To Prevent Tooth Decay?

Fluoride is present in the water supply and is a topical treatment for tooth decay. The fluoride enters the bloodstream, which is then transported to areas of the body that need it. It takes approximately 30 minutes for the fluoride to reach its target area. 

2. Why Is Fluoride Required In Drinking Water?

Drinking water with added fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by preventing bacteria from growing and forming plaque on your teeth (which can lead to tooth decay). Fluoride also helps to strengthen enamel by preventing cavities from forming as soon as they begin to form (bacteria cause tooth decay). 

3. Where Can I Get Fluoride In My Drinking Water? 

Many communities have fluoridated drinking water available for their residents, including schools, homes, businesses, etc.